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Watching several Halo cutscenes and listening to the soundtrack of Last of Us. Brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. Why did Sergeant Johnson have to die. Dam you guilty spark.
Oct 21 2014 02:47 PM
  • Defender0's Photo
    All of the good characters died at the end of halo 3 because bungie was done with that story. In fact, it is for this very reason that 343i and halo 4 are criticized for creating new, not as impressive characters. They had to make new characters for a story, and none of them will ever be as epic as, say, sgt johnson
    Oct 22 2014 09:32 AM
  • Whitehalomango's Photo
    So true, too true. Why must they kill off the greatest. Then again, it makes for quite an emotional game. Taking down characters we're so fond of. I think they might be using Agent Locke to try and replace Johnson but you can never fill that empty part of our hearts where he used to be. Ah, his reassuring comments, he did know what the Aliens and ladies liked. You will always be remembered. "Sergeant Major Avery Junior blow-the-hell-out-of-your-alien-ass Johnson, going out with a bang...
    Oct 22 2014 03:07 PM